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What we have learned

Plastic to Bio-Carbon


Soil Carbon Depletion

Anchor 1

Plastic to Bio-Carbon

Hydrothermal System allows us to break down plastics into the smallest building blocks and organic acids. While the small building blocks can be reformed into valuable products, the organic acids can be utilized by microorganisms for long-term soil fertility improvement. This process allows us to channel away the carbon in plastic into carbon for life forms.

Hydrothermal System

Hydrothermal Reactions mimic the natural reactions that form some of the most valuable products in the world such as crude oil and crystals. Hydrothermal synthesis may also be used in diamond production.


We have used Hydrothermal Reaction to turn sewage sludge into bio-crude oil, but now we want to modify and upgrade it to turn plastic into organic compounds.


With Hydrothermal System, it is possible to achieve virtually 100% destruction of the plastic feedstock and converting it into building blocks for the desired products.


Note: Hydrothermal Systems operate under very high pressure (e.g. 100x higher than your car tires) and high temperature (e.g. Aluminium would melt).




This is a Compositional Analysis of the first Biocrude Oil we produced, containing gasoline(petrol), diesel, aviation fuel, lubricant oil and tar, similar to natural crude oil

Soil Carbon Depletion

Anchor 2

Although soil carbon (soil organic matter) is not a foreign idea to agriculture science, it is often overlooked by conventional farmers. This is mainly because incorrect and improper application of soil carbon can result in drastic reduction of soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus availability, this could result in stunted growth of plants leading to low yield. This is true even for incompletely aged compost and biochar addition to soil. Another more serious problem is the decreasing nutritional values in food.


Having worked closely with the agricultural industry for 6 years through the use of beneficial microorganisms in California, USA. we noticed some organic acids enhanced the growth of indigenous nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in the soil and subsequently increasing Nitrogen availability to plants. Some of these indigenous microorganisms are also capable of carbon sequestration, thus limiting carbon dioxide from escaping the soil. The presence of these also creates a condition where pathogens (from fungi to nematodes) are suppressed and thus lowering our need for more pesticides.


The end result after multiple applications is a soil that performs like "virgin soil", which reduces water, fertilizer and pesticide use while maintaining optimum yield.


Anchor 3

The relationship from Plastic to Agriculture and then Health and Medicine can be hard for many to digest. It is also good to know that, Modern Agriculture and Medicine are virtually directly connected to the Petroleum Industry.​


While Modern Medicine has been quite successful for the last 200 years in prolonging the lives of patients, there are still much limitations especially in the area of chronic diseases and the common cold and flu viruses. More open-minded medical doctors are also considering Alternative Medicine, which actually has more than 1000s of years of wisdom behind it. We often read about why Alternative Medicine is bad, but the very same standard in which alternative medicine is scrutinized against would break modern medicine as well. For instance, the claims made "They can cause kidney damage". This is true with all drugs in Modern Medicine as well. As a matter of fact, one who commits suicide is far more likely to use modern medicine than Alternative Medicine, which is indicative of far higher toxicity in modern drugs than alternative medicine.


When Plastic is converted into Small-Chain Biodegradable Carbon, it can be used to cultivate microorganisms not only for soil application. Some microalgae species are also directly benefited from these Small-Chain Carbon Molecules, producing higher yield of polysaccharides and polyphenols that can be extracted with Anti-viral, anti-cancer properties. Many of these microalgae are also high in polyunsaturated fatty acids as well. 



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